Homelessness impacts everyone. With its mild climate and high cost of living, Santa Barbara County is not at all immune. In response to the growing housing crisis, SB ACT has formed multiple cross-sector partnerships throughout Santa Barbara County to reduce the impacts of homelessness. Some of these partnerships include:
Alliance for Community Transformation (ACT) on Homelessness: a Citywide coalition in partnership with the City of Santa Barbara. SB ACT has led the ACT on Homelessness Collaborative through a 3-year strategic planning process and is facilitating the implementation of that plan
Neighborhood Navigation Centers (NNC’s): a partnership between non-profits, government agencies, faith communities, and community advocates to provide a neighborhood-based “one-stop shop” for homelessness resources and services in the context of trusted relationships. There are currently three NNC sites - Alameda Park, the Carrillo Castillo Commuter Lot, and Santa Barbara Rescue Mission.
Regional Action Plan Meetings (RAPs): A partnership with the cities of Santa Barbara and Goleta to bring together key stakeholders to reduce the impacts of homelessness in regions like State Street/Waterfront, Eastside, and Goleta.
ACT on Homelessness 2023 Strategic Plan Goals (City of Santa Barbara)
The Facts
2023 POINT IN TIME HOMELESSNESS COUNT RESULTS RELEASED. (2023, March 1). https://content.civicplus.com/api/assets/4344ab0c-a9f5-47dd-8d52-fd7ad028dca9#:~:text=The%20number%20of%20individuals%20counted,counted%20in%202020%20(1%2C897).
Take Action
Who to call to report encampments, illegal dumping, individual in need, mental health crisis, etc.: Homelessness Response Directory
Join a Regional Action Plan (RAP) Meeting to discuss impacted neighborhoods: Find a RAP Meeting
Volunteer at a Neighborhood Navigation Center: Learn More
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Contact us!
+1 (805) 259 4692 x105