Fostering Access, Resilience, and Opportunity

What is the FARO Center?
The FARO Center serves a beacon of hope for those experiencing homelessness in South Santa Barbara County. The FARO Center provides people experiencing homelessness a safe, dignified, indoor location to go during daytime hours, and serves as a one-stop-shop for comprehensive services. SB ACT partners with a variety of nonprofits, government agencies, and volunteer groups to offer the following services onsite 5 days per week:
Behavioral Health Support
Access to Computers
Basic Needs
Case Management
Housing Navigation
Workforce Development
Document Readiness
Our ultimate goal is to help individuals experiencing homelessness navigate towards permanent housing. Please support the FARO Center by (1) spreading the word, (2) making a donation today, or (3) contacting us to get involved.
FARO Center Hours:
Mon - Fri 9am-3pm
CLOSED on Federal Holidays
Print FARO Center Info Cards to Share With People Experiencing Homelessness!
Contact Us
Contact the FARO Center team at farocenter@sbact.org