
Santa Barbara County is considered a corridor for sex trafficking by the FBI and we have numerous community members, many of them children, who have been or are currently being sexually exploited. In partnership with Social Venture Partners; Lisa Conn Akoni & Red Wagon Music; Jill Sharkey, PhD & UCSB; Ian Noyes; National Christian Fellowship; and the SB County DA's Office; SB ACT has created the Trafficking Action Group (TAG).

Trafficking Action Group (TAG) is an action oriented, research-driven & strategic work group, catalyzing prevention & intervention efforts to end Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children & Youth in Santa Barbara County.

  • We seek to bolster, expand upon and/or accelerate SB Co’s efforts to eradicate sexual exploitation and support victims/survivors compassionately, swiftly and effectively

  • TAG’s mission is to ensure that all CSE Children & Youth have immediate access to research validated, trauma informed, and survivor driven innovative supports

  • We believe “It takes a village to raise a child!” Be part of the VILLAGE through supporting TAG Projects and help prevent and end the Sexual Exploitation of SB County’s Youth


The Facts

  • In 2018, National Human Trafficking Hotline received more calls from CA than any other state in the US

  • In 2018, the SB County Sheriff’s Office received 220 missing children; 56 identified as CSE (Commercially Sexual Exploited)

  • Almost all SB County identified CSECY (Commercially Sexually Exploited Children/Youth) victims are from SB County & were involved in Juvenile Justice/Child Welfare

Number of Confirmed Survivors of Domestic Child Sex Trafficking by Agency (2015)

Needs Assessment of Domestic Child Sex Trafficking in Santa Barbara County. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.countyofsb.org/da/msm_county/documents/NA_DCST_FINAL.pdf

Needs Assessment of Domestic Child Sex Trafficking in Santa Barbara County. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.countyofsb.org/da/msm_county/documents/NA_DCST_FINAL.pdf

General Resources:

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Contact us!

+1 (805) 259 4692 x105

